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When it comes to different genres of music, you might be surprised to find that German music terms are rather similar to English words. This is because German uses many Anglicisms (or “Anglizismen” in German).

At first (second, and third) glance, French can feel nearly impossible to pronounce. There are sounds used that don’t even exist in the English language. The letters R and U come to mind immediately.

It’s no secret that music is a very effective way to learn a new language. What if I told you that all the songs, all the tools you’d need, are waiting patiently for you, on an app you use daily?

When it came to learning a language, linguists and academics stuck with old fashioned memorization and repetition methods for years and years.

Of all the languages to listen to, French is usually a crowd favorite. Its sultry and soothing accent has put it at the top of the “love language” list. Hopefully French’s attractive qualities make learning…

According to a scientific study done in Scotland, researchers found that singing a language is actually the key to learning it. Who knew? In 2013 the University of Edinburgh did a little experiment. They got…